Tantra 2.0: Modern Interpretations

The Tantra 2.0 Approach
In our Information Age, communication is instantaneous, making all kinds of information easily accessible: the secrets of Tantra have become available to all. Unfortunately, these secrets are hidden in the vast amounts of Google garbage! In ancient times, they kept Yoga practices secret and passed them on by word of mouth only between guru and disciple. Now, it's available all over the Internet mixed with tons of irrelevant, misleading, and time-wasting links.
My practice and search have made me conclude that Tantra is simple if it is not obfuscated; it is effective if it is not obscured, and it brings about tremendous transformations if it is not presented in an obtuse manner.
Modern man is no longer "modern"—we are already in the Post-Modern Era thanks to the invention of the World Wide Web. (This is my view.) This Age has not only made information available at our fingertips but also made information irrelevant sooner. The novelty of extra information erodes quickly, so the "meaning of life" also quickly eroded.
Our Gods are longer gods! (Note the emphasis on the letter 'g.') Humans have always suffered from existential crises, but today our existential crises transform and change so much faster. Our experience of Time is not simply rapid, it's super fast!
Our intense search for the underlying meaning in life has prompted us to look at ancient philosophies such as Tantra, and this book is my effort to offer Tantra in simple and scientific language.
No Religion! No Magic! No BS!
Tantra 2.0 is a complete guide to Tantra Yoga. It weaves together the various paths of Yoga scientifically to ensure the harmonious and holistic development of the human being. Several branches such as Kundalini Tantra, Vama Marga, and Ashtanga Yoga are briefly explained. The practice of Yoga ensures good health, peace of mind, and mental stability, but Tantra takes it further by ensuring intellectual clarity, higher knowledge and cosmic awareness.
I am not interested in a theoretical/academic approach that bears no practical significance or relationship with daily life. I have gained insights into Tantra by comparing traditional texts to modern existentialist philosophies so that this ancient wisdom becomes contemporary and relevant. Whether your goal is to achieve spiritual awakening, explore sexuality through sacred sex, or mundane curiosity, this book will open your mind. In this context, words only serve as a guide; they can never provide experience by themselves.
The reason is simple: higher-order "feelings" and "emotions" lie in the domains
of the mystical and the occult.
Words do not exist in these domains! These "occult/mystical feelings and emotions" will be unique to you, so how can you find commonplace words to express what you experience?! This book will help you understand that your experience is unique.
Holistic Approach
Most Yogic systems tackle one of these aspects and ignore or deny other aspects. Therefore, this Book is an integral approach to tantric practice and life. Your reasons for exploring Tantra may be several or few, they may be profound or banal, or they may be spiritual or practical. Whatever your reasons are, don't forget to act on these reasons. Tantra 2.0 shows you how you can achieve your goals with some effort.
Put in the effort, but not pain! Once you have tasted the fruits of Tantra
—however small they may be—you cannot turn back.
The Importance of Action: Karma
If you read or speak millions of words, you will find a slight change in your consciousness. But remember, it takes tremendous effort to read millions of words. You can "consume" substantial amounts of information and gain only marginal enhancement of awareness. In contrast, you can take action—physical action—and achieve outstanding success. Physical action implies doing something physical: an asana, a kriya, meditation... going to a shop to buy your clothes (instead of ordering them online)!
We often refer to this as Kar Seva or Karma, wherein "kar" means "to do." It is an end in itself, and, done with the right motivation, Karma serves its own purpose. There is no reward after the action. Misconceptions of karmic "reap-as-you-sow" actions have been around since time immemorial.
Tantra destroys these false ideas by clearly stating: "The reward is in the action itself!"
Therefore, the emphasis is on your personal action manifested through practice and effort. There is a specific intelligence involved when you move (Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence) and there are several levels of awareness when your body gets into physical action with mindfulness. This mind-body connection unveils increasingly higher orders of consciousness!
Three Stages of the Book
Tantra 2.0 comprises 3 dynamic processes that show evolution from one to another:
I. Body to Mindfulness
II. Mindfulness to Consciousness
III. Consciousness to Super-Consciousness
Body to Mindfulness
Think of your body as a machine that needs cleansing and tuning. In this context, there are several cleaning exercises such as neti, dhauti, and shankhaprakshalana... to name a few.
Mindfulness to Consciousness
Asanas (Yogic postures) prepare the body to be mindful. Here you will learn to become mindful of your body, which will increase your understanding of your own mind. Many asanas—from pre-meditation and meditation to Hatha Yoga—prepare the Body for Pranayama. Thus, Tantra 2.0 provides insights into breathing techniques and breath control.
Consciousness to Super-Consciousness
The 36 Shaiva Tattvas and Samadhi also show what super-consciousness really means.